How to find a suitable Chinese EV charger manufacturer?

Some considerations when looking for an EV charger manufacturer
Your project is half done after finding the right factory


Export data

There are many EV charger manufacturers in China
When you choose a manufacturer, one thing that needs special attention is factory’s export data in the past instead of factory size, product types, annual sales, etc.
For charging station products, China and Europe and America are two very differentiated markets that differ in EV models, charging interfaces, charging standards, operating environments, PWM recognition, etc.
This is why many devices that can charge normally in China will encounter this and that kind of problems in the European and American markets.
More factory export data
not only reflects higher recognition of the manufacturer in overseas markets, higher reliability and stability of the products to a certain extent,
but also shows that the manufacturer’s experience and understanding of overseas markets are correct and effective.
Conversely, if a factory cannot provide relevant export records, or has very little export data, or the main export area is inconsistent with the area you’re located in,
it does not necessarily mean that its technical ability is not strong
It can only indicate that its understanding and accumulation of relevant information about the target market is not very rich.

Features of exsiting products

The functions and related parameters of the existing products of the factory
can reflect its development ability in different sectors to a certain extent.

For example

In general, the more functions the product supports, the more projects the factory contacts and the more comprehensive its R&D capability is,
which is very helpful to the diversified customization of products

Product category and new product launch frequency


The product categories and new product launch frequency represent

In the field of EV charger, the update and iteration of technology is very fast
The market demand for products will also continue increasing
The more complete the product range is , the faster the new product launch will be
Thus customers are always leading in the increasingly fierce market competition.

Exported products, sales and reputation on the market

A company’s different products have different appearance, structures, functions, etc.
But they have the same understanding towards design and technology.
For example,


Don’t worry
Go directly to find the products that this company already has on the market
learn about its sales, reviews, and market feedback
which will give you a clearer understanding of the factory you are considering working with

Ability to handle after-sales problems

As long as there is sales, there will be after-sales problems.
It’s not the after-sales service itself that needs attention
It is the professionalism of the factory for after-sales processing

An excellent, professional manufacturing plant
must have a complete set of after-sales system
including timely and effective after-sales processing
professional and patient after-sales guidance

Perfect after-sales system
allows customers to focus more on selling products
and reduces the troubles caused by after-sales problems

Time of entering the overseas market

When you investigate a factory, its establishment time is important
Likewise, the time of entering the market matters
This is not to say that the longer a factory has been in the market, the better
but it can’t be lower than a certain value

This is because
It takes time for a company
to accumulate technology and project experience,
to collect customers’ feedback for product iteration.

It aslo takes time to test whether a company’s products can be recognized by the market and whether its understanding of the market is correct or not.

In terms of product stability, adaptability and versatility
There must be a big difference between a product that has iterated over 100 times
and one that has only iterated over 10 times

We suggest that the time be 3.5 years
According to our experience, if a factory’s products have been on the European and American markets for more than 3.5 years, and can maintain a growth trend in terms of sales,
then its understanding of the European and American markets must be correct, and their technology must have passed the test.